The Board of Directors is composed as follows:
11 Directors elected from and by the attending membership at its annual meeting in October, consisting of 5 Builder Members Directors and 6 Associate Member Directors. There will be no more than one elected Director from any member firm;
- The Immediate Past President, the Immediate Past Associate Vice President;
- Four appointments by the current President, consisting of 2 Builder Members and 2 Associate Member;
- Two Past Presidents and one Past Associate Vice Presidents shall be annually appointed by the majority vote of the Past Presidents and Past Associate Vice Presidents, respectively:
- Four Voting Life Directors, consisting of 2 Builder Members and 2 Associate Members;
- Osceola County member or member at large.
- Elected officers of the Association.
All members are encouraged to attend these meetings, but may not participate in discussions or vote. Also, Board pre-meetings provide a great opportunity to get to know your Board members and voice your concerns.
Interested in a leadership position? Contact for criteria, job descriptions and how to get involved.